Lab Capabilities
Marlen Textiles prides itself on its lab capabilities. Staffed with degreed research chemists with decades of experience in the textile industry, Marlen TextilesI is well qualified to handle any and all textile inquires, opportunities or improvements. We utilize our well furnished lab to continually test our products (as well as our competitors) and are always looking for improvements that we can make on all our products. If your need is a custom coating, custom lamination, toll coating or any other unique textile need, we are well positioned to deliver a solution.
Below is a list of some of our lab equipment.
- Scott CRE/500 Tear and Tensile Tester
- Elmendorf Tear Tester
- Frazier Air Permeability Machine
- Xenon weatheromoeter
- Sutor Hydrostatic Pressure Head
- Hunter Lab Color Flex Spectrocolorimeter
- MacBeth Light Box
- Clark Softness-Stiffness Tester
- Tinius Olsen Flex Tester
- Vertical Flammability Tester (small scale)
- Horizontal Flammability Tester
- Taber Abrasion Tester
- AATCC Crockmeter
- AATCC Spray Test Meter
- Micrometer
- Brookfield Viscometer VT and LVF
- Blue M Box Type Muffle Furnace