Fabric Finder
Overwhelmed by the choice of standard fabrics we offer. You can use our Fabric Finder App. To use the App, click on the link immediately below based on what device you are using and answer a series of questions. Or you can use the chart below. Either way will help you pick the best Marlen Textiles' fabric for your application and needs. The App works with any operating system (iOS, Android, or Other).
To use the interactive Fabric Finder on a Desktop PC or Mac: Click Here
To use on your tablet and download to its Home Screen: Click Here
To use on your mobile phone and download to its Home Screen: Click Here
Fabric Finder Chart
Identify the factor(s) on the left that are important for how you plan to use the fabric. If a GREEN box appears under the fabric it is excellent for that factor. If a YELLOW box appears, it can be used, but may not be the best choice. If a RED box appears, that fabric is not recommended if that factor is important for you. Once you find a fabric, you can use a quick link at the bottom to go directly to that fabric's page. If you want, click here for a pdf version that can be downloaded.